
Friday, November 23, 2012

New Items, Raw Showcase Update, & Small Business Saturday

At my RAW Artist Pre-Showcase Photoshoot
 Hi everyone,

I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving holiday! My life as a grad student continues to take precedence over updating this blog! But, if you're a fan on Facebook, you know that I've posted a few items over the last month and that I had a wonderful time at the Raw Artists' Showcase back in October. Tomorrow, 11/24, is Small Business Saturday, but but please remember to support small businesses year-round! As ya'll know, I'm a one-lady outfit: I imagine, design, create, photograph, and write about every item you'll find in my Etsy shop in the midst of my life as a graduate student.

 So, here's what's new:



Starry Night




Two items that may look familiar, but they've been revamped a little bit:

Lillian II

Red Flowers in Snow

Here are a few shots from Provocations, the RAW Artists Showcase held at Solas in Raleigh, NC back in October:

With Thanks to Berkowitz Photography
With Thanks to Berkowitz Photography
With Thanks to Heather Branstetter
With Thanks to Heather Branstetter
With Thanks to Berkowitz Photography
With Thanks to Berkowitz Photography

Here are a few quick pics of items that sold at the RAW showcase:




And one more from the photoshoot:

My Raw Profile - Picture by Berkowitz Photography

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